Monitoring Metrics

Drill down into the status of A2 by prometheus.

A2 offers functionality to monitor various internal metrics through Prometheus. By default, Prometheus is not automatically operational upon A2 installation. To enable A2 metric monitoring, it is necessary to install Prometheus and execute it using the configuration file located at /etc/a2/prometheus.yaml. Alternatively, you may directly modify and run the Prometheus configuration file, as the scrape port for A2 metrics is 39598 on the server hosting the DMP module.

The A2 monitoring metrics provide insights into the following areas: Metrics related to advertisements and service events linked to A2 are stored under the following service names:

  • ad_log: Ad log-based metrics, including ad delivery, impressions, clicks, and conversions.
  • event_log: Service event log-based metrics, such as views, purchases, likes, and cart additions.

Internal status, response times, and error codes from core modules like CMS, DSP, and SSP are stored under these service names:

  • a2_stats: A2 internal metrics, including SSP average response time, ad response volume, and ad request volume.
  • a2_error: A2 internal errors, encompassing HTTP errors and internal system errors.

This set of metrics allows for effective monitoring and management of A2's performance and operational status.